Pattern Design Sample, created in Illustrator
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Pattern Design Sample, created in Illustrator
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"Man That You Fear" - exercise in Typography and caricature, created in Illustrator.
Logo redesign for Gold Medal Kids, a non-profit organization, providing cultural exchange and sports mentoring between children and athletes from the U.S. and Japan. Founded/ directed by Carl Williams.
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Eleksis Johnson business card design (Front of card). Created in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.
Eleksis Johnson business card design (back of card), created in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.
Graphic floral element created in Illustrator.
T-shirt design celebrating Independence Day, for Team Logan Fitness, using Adobe Illustrator CS6.
Vector Caricature for client, to be used for advertising, referencing Cleveland's Asian Festival.
Vector artwork: Caricature created for client, including logo, for use in advertisement.
Vector label created for client, includes client logo
Mock album art design for the band "Attila", created in Illustrator.
Image of Vinyl Decal Design applied to refrigerator doors
Typography study, "Letter B"
"Mountain Springs" Print/ Package Design
"Hurray for Black Women Now" Print Design for Pearlie Victorious Inc.
Print Design in Celebration of Anniversary of Pearlie Victorious Inc.
Digital Design/ Freelance Graphics

Illustrations and designs created with digital media.

Eleksis Johnson
Freelance Illustrator Cleveland, OH