IMAGE 1 This image shows the driver’s perspective from inside the vehicle. If the owner of the vehicle does not happen to notice the advertisement, the bright colors and creative shape will not be missed once the driver is sitting behind the wheel. IMAGE 2 Plastic decals will be placed on car windshields in the campus parking lots to advertise for the gallery. The decal will be easily removed by peeling it off the window without any effort or damage. It can also be kept for further reference.
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CAUTION WET PAINT We placed large canvas artwork pieces in the normal footpath of high traffic common areas to advertise for the gallery. The artwork will be strategically placed so people will have to stop and look in order to pass by. We simulated wet paint on the ground with a large “Caution Wet Paint” sign that leads into information listed about the gallery that includes its location, hours of operation and days open. IMAGE 1, 2, 3 The image will be reproductions of actual art pieces from the gallery. The locations are at the front entrance of the library, on the walking bridge and in front of the student store. Cones will be placed around the piece to draw more attention. The reproduction will be printed on canvas, enlarged and attached to the floor.
CSULB Art Show Advertising Campaign
Erik Lopez
Graphic Designer Costa Mesa, CA