This book is the documentation and research of Good Find. It includes research, the making of the furniture, notes and observations, responses from our audience, and photography from the events. This book was hand cut and bound in signatures with a single needle chain stitch.
Good Find in Highland Park in front of the abandoned Henry Ford Plant on Woodward.
An excerpt about our invitation to the 555 Gallery.
Notes and observations from our research about isolation and boundaries in areas of Detroit.
Selection of spreads from the book. Upper Left: Images from returning the furniture to the original locations where they were found. Upper Right: Images from places where we found objects to make furniture. Lower Left: The whole collection. Lower Right: Two responses from a Good Find event.
Student Project: Good Find Part 2

Through the documentation of isolation and boundaries within our four chosen locations in Detroit, it became evident that there is a need for the creation of positive spaces within these environments. The installation consists of an outdoor space made entirely of objects found in Detroit, providing seating and a social atmosphere.

Our goal is to challenge established boundaries and confront isolation by creating a positive environment where people can gather.

We developed a language system to stencil on the pieces of furniture, making them more than just a place to sit, but also a form of signage. With so much negative signage in and around the areas we visited, we chose affirmative words to invite people into the environment and serve as conversational pieces.

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Megan Shellenbarger
Creative Manager Billund, Denmark