Forma Urbis Romae
Regarding the site plan, our goal was to eliminate pedestrian-unfriendly Via Fori Dei Imperiali and create a pedestrian plaza. An elevated platform 6” above te ground moves through the forum, eventually leading to a grand urban staircase ending in a modern level plaza. Tree penetrate through the modern level to the archaeological level imitating the Temple of Peace planters creating visibility to the level below.
The site intervention is a museum room for the 3rd century CE Forma Urbis Romae map depicting ancient Rome. The room strives to create almost a stage for the map, to allow natural light, and incorporate a sculptural ceiling element. The map is recreated with translucent alabaster so it can be lit up at night, inviting people inside to see its beauty. Other materials used make reference to the context and include roman brick and travertine.