My 350Z NEMESIS - This is my 5th car modelling, made in 3dmax6, usin spline/surface method, body modelling 4 hours, tweak it to custom approximately 6-7weeks. Usin brazil r/s renderer
My evolution 8 - this is my 6th car after the 350Z.. Modelled in max approximately a month, rendered in Vray.
Mustang 2005 - Poly modelled in 3dmax 6, rendered in vray.
Galant 2005 - The New Mitsubitshi Galant 2005, My 1st Vray rendered car. Made in 3dmax 6, done in 3 weeks.
Nissan R-390 GT - My 1st car modelling, model in spline(3dmax 6). Following the Tutorial of Enrico Nencini.
Egar S.
Jakarta, Indonesia