DutchBoy Paints & Crayola / Partnership
Dutch Boy Paints Crayola Colors - "They Dream It.You Paint It" ... because every child's room needs a story - I created this tagline to promote the Crayola colors on Dutch Boy website. The concept focuses on engaging parents to create a room that child dreams about by using Crayola Colors with a fun names like " Inch Worm" and having fun with decorating it. The page is animated and this frame shows the dream come true space for a little girl.
Dutch Boy Paints - Crayola Colors - Room with a Story Section in which we use actual Crayola color cards to build a fun and whimsical “story in a book”. We tell the story through the use of Crayola color names & allow site visitors to download the idea cards that helped to create them. This piece can engage site visitors to use colors in a creative way and inspire them to create fun room theme stories with their children in the process of room redecoration.
Crayola Color Card - Crayola color names are used to write a whimsical stories - each "story" ties with the POP inspirational card. The idea is to inspire parents and children to make their own stories using Crayola color names.
Crayola Room with a Story - Little Princes - Room Theme Created a whimsical story for a room theme using colors and names from the Crayola color collection. The idea was to inspire playfulness and imagination during the process of redecorating spaces.
Crayola Color Card - one of the merchandising pieces utilized for Crayola "Room with a story" section. This section is a creation of stories that were written by me and team members to show how much fun painting with Crayola Color can be. (www.dutchboy.com/crayola/room/#page2)
Dutch Boy Paints - visual concept exploration
Dutch Boy - Crayola Paint Colors

DutchBoy Paints' Crayola Partnership:
Objective: Raise awareness of the Crayola color palette and create a website that resonates with parents, encouraging them to decorate rooms with Crayola Colors.

Role: Concept Development

Target Audience: Parents + young children.
Developed captivating design concepts that emphasized children's imagination leading with a "They dream it. You paint it." tagline.

Focus: Emphasized children's imagination, using POP Crayola Color Cards and paint names to craft whimsical stories. Collaborated with team members to create "room stories."

The Crayola partners were delighted with the playful approach, aligning well with the Crayola brand and inspiring imagination.

Lessons Learned: The project reinforced the importance of creativity and storytelling in connecting with our target audience. It also highlighted the power of a well-crafted tagline in brand messaging.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Edyta D
User Experience | UX Research | Design Strategy Cleveland, OH