Vital Suit (VS) Heads-Up Display (HUD) Mockup
Multiplayer Records Mockup (PC) - includes Stats, Leaderboards, and Awards
Condensed Font-End Mockup & Flow for Tokyo Game Show (TGS) 2012 Multiplayer Demo
Multiplayer Upgrade Metagame Mockups + Final "Progression Sphere" Implementation
Lost Planet 3 - UX Design Lead

This is a sampling of UI wireframes, mockups, and flowcharts for the Lost Planet 3 project, which shipped for XBox360, PC, and Playstation 3 in 2013. I served as the UX Design Lead as well the Lead Multiplayer Designer on the project over a 2 year period, helping build and manage the UI and cross-disciplinary teams. All images on this page were created in Microsoft Visio using a combination of screenshots from in-progress builds and art mockups within Visio. This should help illustrate my UX/UI design process and approach wireframing and interaction design.

Edward Moore
AMPED-UX - Gamification and UX Design Strategist and Consultant El Segundo, CA