Icons created for Alwan Printing's website.
Example of Icons in use.
Splash Page - Developed as the welcome page for visitors guided by the packaging and publication received via volunteers. The cyclist would be flash animated in motion cycling towards the viewer, once clicked in the center on the logotype it would guide them to the following opening page.
Opening page - Front Page - Front page of website developed in accordance with the collateral material for RE:CYCLE Chicago, a public awareness campaign to create a consciousness between cyclists and motorists. This page contains the mission statement of RE:CYCLE Chicago.
Health Tab Page - When the health tab is selected you are guided to this page whereas you can see that the other pages are dimmed in comparison to make the reader aware of the fact that they are presently on the Health section of the site.
Dare to Explore under construction page - Developed during my internship at Cafe Magazine, this was a page placeholder that showed up while the actual site was under construction.
Banner - Web banner developed for example size and sent to client of cafe media.
Banner Ad - Rectangular - Developed for Cafe magazine and sent to a client as an example ad size and concept.
Button - Developed during my internship for Cafe Media, Cafe Magazine. Used for facebook marketing. Links to blog on cafemagazine.com
button - used by Cafe Magazine for facebook networking. Links to cafemagazine.com
button - developed for facebook, to let others know that one does photography for cafe, and links to cafe media photo submission site.
Side bar banner ad - Developed during my internship at cafe magazine, this was displayed on the site cafemagazine.com while the contest was in action.
Edward McHugh
graphic designer | illustrator Chicago, IL