Investing - Value vs Growth investing editorial illustration for Black Enterprise Magazine
Group shot - Assignment: Group photo of 3 older men, 1 w/ short hair, 1 w/o hair and 1 w/ long hair, 1 w/ glasses, 1 w/ a hat; 2 older women w/ short hair; 1 middle-aged man w/o hair and glasses; 2 middle-aged women: 1 with a hat and short hair and the other w/ long hair and glasses; 3 girls, 2 w/ long hair and 1 w/ short hair, 1 wearing glasses; 2 boys w/ short hair 1 w/ glasses and 1 with a hat; 4 large dogs, 1 spotted black and white, another just black, and 2 golden; 1 small white dog; 1 small brown dog.