Industrial Chess Set - Imagine chess not as a game of war, of struggle, of loser and winner. Imagine chess as art, where the beauty lies within the repartee between two people. Instead of celebrating the outcome of the game, why not savor each and every elegantly created move? In order to preserve and appreciate the process of the game, the chess set should be designed to capture and appreciate the footprints left by every play to transform the game of chess into a collaboration of two creative beings.
Industrial Chess Set - Technical - Inspired by industrial office supplies, the chess pieces take the form of pre-inking stamps and the chess board is transformed into a pad of paper chess boards that will record the process of each and every game. Simply tear off the used piece of chess board paper for a fresh one underneathe and keep the the memory of the game with you forever.
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Industrial Chess Set
Emily Chiang
Product Designer New York, NY