Performance Poster Series-"I Said To Love" - I designed these posters for a student classical music ensemble. The music is very calming, peaceful and harmonious, so I wanted to the design to reflect that.
Performance Poster Series-"I Said To Love" - I designed these posters for a student classical music ensemble. The music is very calming, peaceful and harmonious, so I wanted to the design to reflect that.
Kensington Group Poster - This poster was designed for a musical ensemble's first professional concert. The design reflects the early musical period from which the music performed is inspired from.
Menu Design - A menu/identity I designed at Kutztown. The design portrayed an elegant sophistication with 1930's/1940's French origins.
Delta Shuttle Sheet - One of my key roles working for Pace was to assign all the covers for the Delta Shuttle Sheet. The covers are always illustrations and really show a more fun, playful and creative side to Delta.
Delta Sky - Assortment of Sky covers over the last year. Most of the photography on the Sky covers are shot on location. On occassion, I assisted on the assigning of these shoots.
Delta Sky - The Shuttle Sheet magazine is the smaller publication featured on Delta Airline's shuttle planes. The Sheet offers a bit more creativity in the designs, and has allowed for a variety of interesting layouts and imaginative illustrations. Illustration by Nathalie Dion
Delta Sky
Delta Sky - I assigned all the illustrations for these pages with specific exercise concepts in mind.
Delta Sky - I do a lot of photographer assignments for Sky and the shopping department is predominately my responsiblity. I hired photographers from Key West and Milan to complete these assignments.
Delta Sky - I assigned the photography in this feature and designed the pages.
Delta Sky - I often assign the illustrations for the Vignette section of Sky and design the pages. illustration by Sarah Beetson
Catalog Design - Designed at Kutztown, I used the grid paired with bold and bright colors to convey the energetic spirit of this company.
Catalog Design - Designed at Kutztown, I used the grid paired with bold and bright colors to convey the energetic spirit of this company.
Catalog Design - Designed at Kutztown, I used the grid paired with bold and bright colors to convey the energetic spirit of this company.