This is a revision of the original marketing board for this product, allowing me to incorporate new skills I have learnt in Photoshop during my second year of studying Product Design at Bournemouth University.
100ml Travel Fragrance

This product is designed to fulfill the need for smaller fragrance bottles which conform to government and airline regulations. This project was also conducted to develop my understanding of product branding and how I can use graphic design to reflect corporate identity within my product.

This project also allowed me to improve my proffessional skill set as I contacted the company I decided to base my branding on (Sunseeker) and had the project approved and sanctioned by their marketing department.

All Logos, Product Images (Predator Boat) and forms of brand identity are owned by Sunseeker International and are used for educational purposes only.

Elliott Arnold
Undergraduate Student of Product Design (Bsc/Ba) Bournemouth, United Kingdom