This is the abstractest work of mine. I was inspired by Mondrian. It seems like just two big planes get together but if you watch it careful you can see there is two people's faces. I used three thick lines to emphasize the eyebrow and the nose of the blue face, also the nose and the mouth of the yellow face. I think this work is interesting because it looks so geometric and every angle in the picture is 90 degree.
Most of people say this is a joker at the first time they see it but the man who I painted is Gaddafi. He induced a series of wars and a lot of people died because of him so I make it looks horrible as possible I can. I used dark blue to paint the background and try to create a feeling which can makes the audiences perceive he's a man full of mystery. I'd like do something special in my work just like these lips. I drew it thick and painted it of red for making it sexy. I think that will be extraordinary and funny if a famous horrific dictator with thick red sexy lips.
This work shows a feeling of lonely. This person's eyes are colorless and the mouth is sewed. He seems like scares about something, something he can't open his heart to face it. He don't want to talk even don't want to see anything. He's disconnect with the reality world so he feels lonely and cold. I used different kind of blue to create a cold surroundings. The reason why I painted his bones to blue is that I tried to let people know he feels frigid not by his skin but by his inside body.
Portrait Painting

A painting assignment of portrait.

Eason Huang
Student Guangzhou, China