This is the sketch and it's my first idea. I want to merge two trees together side by side with different direction also I will put two different colors with gradual change in the trees. I think it will looks good if I use colors of disparate styles such as red and blue. It would create a big contrast after putting them together but not mixing them.
After I worked on the big paper I got another new idea. I think the shape of the trees is not very necessary because the most important for this assignment is showing light and dark so I decided to use pyramids to take the place of trees. Then I use pencil to drew a lot of lines for making a mark of the gradual change. I painted to the pyramid line by line carefully. For example, I painted white in the top of the triangle then mixed a little bit blue in it to create another color for painting the second line and I do it in this way until it becomes the pure blue gradually then I started to add black in it. It can shows a process how a color change itself from light to dark.
This is my final work. Finally I use blue and red, a cold color and a warm color. As I say, It shows a big contrast and creates a strong visual effect. It's so powerful that you can still see it clearly even you stand far away from it. I think this graphic design shows light and dark successfully.
Light and Dark

A painting assignment for showing light and dark.

Eason Huang
Student Guangzhou, China