I paint this one for showing a landscaping but what I really want to express is a relationship between city and nature. I draw it in an abstract way for presenting my idea easier. The reason why I use yellow, red and blue to paint the buildings is that they are three based colors in the world so I think they can shows a feeling in the downtown where is full of passions and lights. I combined trees, sky and buildings together to make audience understand a beautiful cites can not without nature plants. The buildings will look ugly if the town lose plants.
This idea is clear that I just want to present how the city looks like in my point of view and the picture is simple. I just use original elements such as points, lines and planes but it's still very powerful. You can check my blog if you want to read the whole review.
Landscaping Painting

A painting assignment of urban landscaping

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Eason Huang
Student Guangzhou, China