The first sketch with pencil.
I painted it with color pencil. I just choose three colors which are red, yellow and blue because they are classic in Mondrian's works and I think everyone can recognize this work is connected with Mondrian but I also have my own thing in this design. I painted a lot of rectangles in different size from big to small just like stairs with red and blue. I also tried to make a gradual change of colors for creating a space. I made the steps because I want to let people feel that's seems looking in a church and the audiences may notice the light ( the yellow small square ) on the top right conner. The gradual change of colors would attract your eyes to that light. The reason I use red and blue in this part is that to present a contrast.
After I finished the colors I still need to use a black pen to drew the black lines around the squares and it took me a lot of time.
This is the final work. I think I created a wonderful work and presented the balance of colors successfully just like Mondrian did.
Art and Movement

Just a graphic design which was inspired by Mondrian. You can also check my blog for some details.

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Eason Huang
Student Guangzhou, China