idea 1 - Pettine, italian for comb. The name describes the most striking design feature, the protective comb of the beard trimmer which encloses the core with the shaver and trimmer. A thumb wheel at the side sways this core to adjust the distance to the flattened part of the comb.
idea 2 - Pettine, italian for comb. The name describes the most striking design feature, the protective comb of the beard trimmer which encloses the core with the shaver and trimmer. A thumb wheel at the side sways this core to adjust the distance to the flattened part of the comb.
idea 3 - Pettine, italian for comb. The name describes the most striking design feature, the protective comb of the beard trimmer which encloses the core with the shaver and trimmer. A thumb wheel at the side sways this core to adjust the distance to the flattened part of the comb.
pettine - Pettine, italian for comb. The name describes the most striking design feature, the protective comb of the beard trimmer which encloses the core with the shaver and trimmer. A thumb wheel at the side sways this core to adjust the distance to the flattened part of the comb.
pettine - Pettine, italian for comb. The name describes the most striking design feature, the protective comb of the beard trimmer which encloses the core with the shaver and trimmer. A thumb wheel at the side sways this core to adjust the distance to the flattened part of the comb.
shave - Pettine, italian for comb. The name describes the most striking design feature, the protective comb of the beard trimmer which encloses the core with the shaver and trimmer. A thumb wheel at the side sways this core to adjust the distance to the flattened part of the comb.
trim - Pettine, italian for comb. The name describes the most striking design feature, the protective comb of the beard trimmer which encloses the core with the shaver and trimmer. A thumb wheel at the side sways this core to adjust the distance to the flattened part of the comb.
pettine - electric shaver
Christoph Albiez
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Langen bei Bregenz, Austria