I can really relate to this lil dude.
Panda Jail, 2015
Sweetland 2015
Oh! Oh no...
Big pens full of fuzzy baby chicks may be the one thing I miss about the Midwest.
Just some cute apple bros.
You know. Not like, craaaazy stoked or anything. Just a little.
Oh Honey
Kitteh Snax - Decided to make a desktop wall out of my kitty donut dudes, because I enjoy their excited little faces.
Swamp monster visiting Niagara Falls and making some new fishie buddies.
Love Sucks Wallpaper - Just a desktop wall I made for fun from one of my shirt designs.
Fuji Apple desktop wallpaper
Handmade Mermaid - My take on the cliche sexy mermaid painting.
Koala Blues
Dead Sea - Monster buddies!
Death Wields a Butter Knife
Hello Vet, Goodbye Testes! - I think my favorite part of this is that the names on the crates are 'Mittens' and 'Gloves'. Also the Doctor of Ball Removal, Dr. I.M.N Crotch part kills me too. I AM DUMB.
Jonagold Apple desktop wallpaper
Summer Lovin' - True Love, you guys.
Personal - Digital Artwork

Miscellaneous Illustrator and Photoshop doodles.

Full-time, Moonlighting
J. Fuchs
Eccentricities a Specialty! Los Angeles, CA