Carnival Poster - A poster promoting the Latin American festival, Carnival, a festival to celebrate and feast before Lent begins. The poster was designed as a collaboration between another designer, Ned Ashton, and I. We tried to make the design visually captivating while using color to convey the celebratory nature of the event.
Safety Poster - Third design for the Forest Service safety campaign. The logo, the T-shirt and the poster were all designs submitted for the contest.
Biohazard Movie Poster - Movie poster designed as an exercise for a fictional movie. Each person was shot against a white curtain and composited with other scenic photos to emulate screenshots from the movie.
Red Light Green Light Ad - An ad designed to be used either as a poster or a two-page spread in a magazine. The store, Red Light Green Light is a fictional boutique that carries women's accessories and intimate apparel.