Battery Powered Festival Airpump

Snowpeak Airpump

This was one of the briefs set during my second year of Derby University. The task was to come up with an initial design concept, 3D SoildWorks CAD model, visualisation board and visual representation model for a festival air pump. I was provided with an existing air pump, of which most of the internal componentry had to be kept in the new design. This was excluding the battery as an upgraded 7.4V lithium-ion battery was to be incorporated instead. The air pump also was to be designed around a provided company’s brand and ethos. The company I was given by the university with was SnowPeak.

(Disclaimer - this work is in no way connected to SnowPeak and all work is purely for portfolio work and educational purposes, logos and other branding is purely for aesthetics and property and trademarks of SnowPeak)

Drew Sloman
Product Designer Derby, United Kingdom