One on One Interviews - My first priority was to gain knowledge of the organisation. One on one interviews with the directors helped me to understand the essence of the company, at this stage of process the key stakeholders were discovered. These were the directors, the Paydata staff and the customers.
Stakeholder Workshops - Running a introductory workshop with the employees of Paydata. The aim of the workshop was to discover how the staff felt about Paydata. Using methods such as collaging I worked to discover what they thought the companies values were, as well as what they perceived the strengths and weaknesses to be.
Stakeholder Workshops - Workshop participants were asked to select images that they thought represented the company at present and to write a caption describing why they chose each photo. The captions were then discussed as a group.
Surveys & Interviews - Survey monkey was used to gather the views of a large sector of our customers. In order to build a brand that reflected the customers desires we needed to find out in more detail about their beliefs, feelings and motives.
User Interviews - Using the survey results as a building block I worked with a market research consultant to construct one on one customer interview. Once signed off by the directors these interviews where carried out over the phone.
Personas - To recognise and understand the key stakeholders points of view personas were created by synthesising the interviews and research data. These captured the behaviour, beliefs and philosophy of users, and most importantly captured their motivations and intentions. This helped to create empathy in the design process.
Task Models - Task models based on the personas. This helped to identify critical task that the users need to easily carry out to make the website successful. The models focussed on what the user needs and expects to do in order to complete their goals. The result was a list of critical information and functionality that the users need that we could check our designs against.
User Journeys - The user journeys incorporated speech bubbles, user images and a mini scenario. This made them easy to understand and built empathy with the users.
Content Areas - User needs and functionality from the task models were grouped into common content areas using post it notes. This was developed alongside the user journeys and the task models allowing each to constantly evolve throughout the process. This made sure the user journey aligned with the users needs.
Content Areas - User needs and functionality from the task models were grouped into common content areas using post it notes. This was developed alongside the user journeys and the task models allowing each to constantly evolve throughout the process. This made sure the user journey aligned with the users needs.
Storyboard Sketches - Early sketches were created from the user journeys. At this stage nothing was set in stone and the sketches helped to develop the user journeys. The key here was coming up with ideas to help the users complete their goals rather than creating beautiful sketches.
Lo-Fi Storyboarding - Early storyboards developed into lo-fi mockups using MockFlow. These were not intended to represent the final design but doing this helped to give us an idea of the content that the site would need to contain in order for the users to be able to complete their goals.
Card Sorting - During discussions with the company directors the issue of how the customer see Paydata’s services being organised was raised. Do the customers see the company services in the same structure as Paydata?. We used card sorting with live screen capture software and telephone interviews so that customers could organise the services in a way that makes sense to them.
Card Sorting - During discussions with the company directors the issue of how the customer see Paydata’s services being organised was raised. Do the customers see the company services in the same structure as Paydata?. We used card sorting with live screen capture software and telephone interviews so that customers could organise the services in a way that makes sense to them.
Site Maps - Paydata had lots of content on their existing site, however, it had become unorganised over time and the wealth of content had become hard to navigate. I started developing a new site map using post it notes and Microsoft Excel. This was quick and helped me to visualise the pages I would need to design. It also helped me to see how a user might flow through the information. Treejack will be used to test and improve the structure of the site with the customers.
Quick Fire Sketches - This part of process was about free styling and holding nothing back. Sketches were complimented with notes, arrows and pointers that helped make the ideas easier to understand.
UX Design

Samples of my UX design work

Drew Hajduk
Drew Hajduk Peterborough, England