Stakeholder Interviews - My first priority was to gain knowledge of the organisation. One on one interviews with the directors helped me to understand the essence of the company, at this stage of process the key stakeholders were discovered. These were the directors, the Paydata staff and the customers.
Stakeholder Workshops - Running a introductory workshop with the employees of Paydata. The aim of the workshop was to discover how the staff felt about Paydata. Using methods such as collaging I worked to discover what they thought the companies values were, as well as what they perceived the strengths and weaknesses to be.
Paydata Brand Audit - Carrying out a brand audit helped me to understand and discover new insights about the Padata brand. I put a together a set of best practice principles looking at the brand identity and the use of lanugauge, a score for each factor was then set against Paydata’s marketing materials. This helped me to find where Paydata’s strenghts and weaknesses were in relation to the branding.
Paydata Competitor Audit - A competitive audit allowed me to position Paydata in relationship to the competition in both a marketing, business strategy and design sense. Earlier customer research had helped us to establish who the customers see as our competition. The audit investigated factors such voice, personality, customer perceptions and brand values. This helped to answer some key questions, "why should the customer choose our products over those of others?" and "how can we look and feel different?".
Paydata Surveys & Interviews - Survey monkey was used to gather the views of a large sector of our customers. In order to build a brand that reflected the customers desires we needed to find out in more detail about their beliefs, feelings and motives. Using the survey results as a building block I worked with a market research consultant to construct one on one customer interview. Once signed off by the directors these interviews where carried out over the phone.
Establishing Gaps In The Market - We used ideas such as Porters Generic Strategies and Treacy and Weirsema's value disciplines model. We plotted our position amongst our competitors using perceptual mapping. We then created a 5 year growth plan using the map to spot gaps in the market and plan what actions we needed to take to move into them.
Paydata Brand Strategy: Brand Messages - The research and discovery stage of the project helped us to discover where the gaps in the market were as well as what Paydata stand for. This resulted in an updated brand strategy that all the stakeholders had a part in creating and that could drive idea generation throughout the project.
Testing The Brand Values - The new brand values were tested with a variety of customers from different industry sectors. A good mix of positive and negative feed back was received which helped us to edit and adapt the brands values and strategies before moving into the design stage of the project.
Paydata Brand Identity - The project resulted in an identity that was easy to uphold without having to have an in depth knowledge of graphic design while having enough flexibility to be taken on by a design consultancy.
Block Design Brand Consistency
Brand Identity & Strategy
Drew Hajduk
Drew Hajduk Peterborough, England