Neatworks 5 Proposed Application Icon
Early wireframe for NeatWorks 5.0
NeatWorks 4.0 Visual Design
Early wireframe for NeatWorks 5.0
NeatWorks for Mac 1.0 Early Icon Exploration
NeatWorks for Mac 2.0 Icon Design
NeatWorks 5.0 Icon Set
NeatWorks 5.0 Visual Design
NeatWorks 5.0 Visual Design
The Neat Company Windows 7 Device Experience Icons
The Neat Company Windows 7 Device Experience icons
NeatWorks for Mac proposed UI design
The Neat Company/TWAIN UI guidelines
NeatWorks 5.0 Visual Design Guidelines
The Neat Company - Neat 5 software

I was involved as a user experience design consultant for Neat's range of software (Neat Mac, Neat 4.0, and Neat 5).

I helped guide the look and feel of early Mac products, created the iconography and art for NeatReceipts 4.0, and created early wireframes and visual design guidelines for Neat 5.

Andrew Meehan
Design distillery Leiden, Netherlands