Wabi-Sabi Ecodesk

Project: Wabi-Sabi Eco desk
Designed by me

Laser cut manufacture: Tri-wall Europe -custom cardboard and packaging solutions

Picture credit: Storm Jude McCallan

An easy to assemble, completely sutainable, environmentally friendly desk. There are no glues or screws, and all parts fit slot in together. Desk can support over 3000 Kg of evenly distributed mass, and at the front, towards the middle, around a circular diameter of 50cm, which is its weakest point, it can support a maximum of 40 kg. But according to study, this part of the desk is rarely every used and items placed on the desk never really go above 20kg. The strongest parts can also support the mass of up to 3000 Kg, according to calculations.

Software used:

Rhino 3D
NT 2D CAD for Solidworks

Andrew Ologunebi
Creative Director/ Designer (Product, Graphic, Web)/ Photographer (general Creative Enthusiast) London, United Kingdom