Email Creative For Keeping It Local - email - Wine and Boat Cruise.
Modal Pop up - keeping it local - My Account
My Account admin
keeping it local
South Bay - version - Keeping it local
My account - Keeping it local
Merchant Account - mock up created for merchant account flow process.
Locations - mock up version 1
merchant account - mock up
Redondo beach - Chamber of Commerce Visitors Bureau
Revised and enhanced UI
Keeping it local - Design

Creative Director and designer of keeping it local. My function at Keeping it local is to create a fully functional multi vertical platform that is scalable. Designing for the consumer platform, merchant platform and banks platform. - Rolls - UI design, UX, and Creative Direction. Working directly with partners and coders to develop a robust marketable product.

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Jeremy Hilton
Art Director and Sr Web Design - UX and UI... Boston, MA