Elevation of the existing library with the addition - This elevation becomes the main elevation of a busy street. The large masonry wall is comprised of various native stones from Sweden and would be a tactile, accessible expression of Sweden's natural beauty.
Section through the exisitng library with the addition - This section explores the connectivity between the grand, enclosed spaces of the existing library and the open, more social addition.
Site Plan - The addition explored the building's relationship to the steeply sloped site. The hill, part of a ridge which originally traversed most of Stockholm, has been almost entirely leveled as the city has grown.
Rendering from rear plaza - The large stone wall acts as a means of signage, entry and identity. In the rear courtyard, a pre-existing park becomes home to some of the library system's many cultural offerings.
entry level plan - The main entry level acts more as a social and community centre than as a traditional quiet library.
typical library level plan - This is a typical library level plan created for the Stockholm Library Addition Competition.
Stockholm Library Competition Entry