feminin - illustration based on my collage task with feminin theme, made by mix media ( poster color and pencil color ).
someone - vector illustration, made in adobe illustration.
Maskulin - Manual illustration based on my Collage task with maskulin theme, made with mix media ( poster color and pencil color).
Yamaha Vector Illustration - these is totaly vector illustration and not using gradation. i made it in coreldraw.
Giorgio-Armany (Study) - pencil sketch and photoshop coloring. the theme is classic male fashion.
step by step - step by step illustration when i made 'someone' work.
the sea creature - i always interest about fantasy creature. through this art work, i try to describe my imagination about mermaid. to make this illustration, i use mesh tool in adobe illustrator for the first time.
yellowlab dvd real interface - yellowlab is the creative communication company, so through this dvd, we try to tell that we make creative solution from base step...idea sketch. i made this in illustrator, it's all vector illustration.
Doni Alexander
Doni Alexander Bandung - Jakarta, Indonesia