Harry Reid circles - Harry Reid from the Agenda Under Fire Series
Al Gore circles - Al Gore from the Agenda Under Fire Series
Obama Squares - Obama from Agenda Under Fire Series
Rahm Emmanuel - From the series 110th Congressional Assembly, worst ever! The 110th Congressional assembly has the worst job approval rating since pollsters have been able to track such things. So this particular congressional leadership has been immortalized in infamy with the hair particle drawing project.
Kay Grainger - From the series 110th Congressional Assembly, worst ever! The 110th Congressional assembly has the worst job approval rating since pollsters have been able to track such things. So this particular congressional leadership has been immortalized in infamy with the hair particle drawing project.
Eric Cantor - From the series 110th Congressional Assembly, worst ever! The 110th Congressional assembly has the worst job approval rating since pollsters have been able to track such things. So this particular congressional leadership has been immortalized in infamy with the hair particle drawing project.
Hairy Bush - Hairy Bush is a generative drawing created in my hair particle drawing project. The hair particle drawing project is a drawing engine based around a particle fx engine I wrote for a game. I modified the particles to behave like growing hair. Hair growing in darker areas grows longer, thicker and maintains a tighter curl.
Hairy Hot Rod Blagojevich - Hairy Hot Rod is a generative drawing created in my hair particle drawing project. The hair particle drawing project is a drawing engine based around a particle fx engine I wrote for a game. I modified the particles to behave like growing hair. Hair growing in darker areas grows longer, thicker and maintains a tighter curl.
Hairy Reid - Hairy Reid is a generative drawing created in my hair particle drawing project. The hair particle drawing project is a drawing engine based around a particle fx engine I wrote for a game. I modified the particles to behave like growing hair. Hair growing in darker areas grows longer, thicker and maintains a tighter curl.
Political Portraits