Early phase of stakeholder map
Using 101 Design Method-Role playing to act out scenarios. It was strange and embarrassing at first, but truly guided our final direction.
first role playing pieces
The Box- given dimensions 13-3/4" x 19-1/2" x 3"
Map of box to guide user and aid in putting back together.
First hand research at home of group members grand parents in Rochester, NY.
First hand research at home of group members grand parents in Rochester, NY.
Visiting with Faith, the Senior Center Coordinator. Gained many insights into lives of seniors and their need for social interaction, unique tools, charts and education.
We observed seniors in spaces like the dining room and playing WII Bowling
We sat in on an educational session for seniors led by the Life Span organization. Seniors learned how to set goals and cope with situations they face.
First hand research at home of group members grand parents in Rochester, NY. Seeing what tools they used.
Using 101 Design Methods- POEMS to gather information in the field.
Using 101 Design Methods- 5 Human Factors to gather information in the field.
Persona Cards were created from interviews conducted with stakeholders.
Cards correspond to chart showing how they relate to a senior (center of chart).
Once the initial research is learned about users are ready to play the game.
Senior Perspective Map allows users to visualize entire system and how all stakeholders were connected or not.
The game, 65 +, can be played by 1-6 players.
Assemble the game board. Scenarios are played on both Rural and Urban halves.
There are 3 types of cards. Persona, Rural, Urban and Scenario.
Using the Senior Perspective Map and other tools can help players understand connections between stakeholders as they play the game.
Draw a persona card, either Rural or Urban, and one Scenario. Play out the scenario for 5-10 minutes with players while asking questions and making up what the stakeholders are experiencing. Take turns playing different stakeholders. Try various scenarios with the same persona to see differences in how they play out.
Scenario Cards have a prompt to play out. Below are some hints as to what our group thought possible solutions might entail. Do you agree with what we suggested? Do you have a unique idea that no one has thought of?
Design Research: Understanding Medical Non Adherence of Seniors

Project Completed First Semester 4th Year

Team ZEKO members
Dan Olken
Shelby Zink
Thomas Evens
Soo Kim

For our research class we explored the topic of "medical non adherence" of seniors. From our research, interviews and using methods learned in 101 Design Methods we created tools for future designers to use.

These tools were designed to so that future design teams could start creating solutions to the problems we explored.

The main focus of our project was a game for designers, seniors or anyone who want to empathize with seniors. It is a role playing board game with scenarios and player pieces that use other tools such as the Senior Perspective Map that we created to show the whole medical system and all the stakeholders.

Dan Olken
Designer at Pentair- Residential Water Filtration Milwaukee, WI