this picture show "the market based " on chile with the product KIA utilitary. the brief: "design a station wagon on Truck light KIA plataform usig KIA BESTA benchmark"
methodology and technical limits - this picture show the technical limits on design and generic industrial processes for this work. in the teory of design, this show "the methodology" for this job. using the technology factor as funtional filter for all processes of design and prototype
estrutural design - the design it´s composed for productional and structural concept: -production Velocity -max volume -segmet esthetics this show the opportune design on structural systems.
the LOW Deck Prototype - this prototype it´s the longer version of models and has unique characteristic on the chilean market. for exmaple : - all Floor plane - the greatest lateral door this segment -the longer longitudinal dimension on the segment -the lightest integral body this segment.
the HIgh Deck Prototype - this models it´s more proportioned and more high quality on the industrial processes and final quality. and has the similar characteristic to LOW DECK Model but more little because the wheelbase it´s minor.
exterior design and final surfaces - this picture show the external suface processes. all models compund of sheet metal and GRP complex surface. the surface mold it did on CNC processes. the metallic sheets were to stick and doubled to the structure, previously fold in CNC machinery
Carlos Fuentes
About me santiago, Chile