Desk Organizer Set

Volunteering project for “Ruach Tova” & Lea Rabin hostel for Adolescents and adults diagnosed with autism or PDD (Pervasive development disorder).

"Ruach Tova" (“Good Spirit” in Hebrew) is the leading organization in the field of volunteering in Israel, specializing in matching volunteers with organizations.

Lea Rabin hostel called out for designers to design products that can be manufactured in house by its own members and sell it afterwards,

100% of the profit from these products will go straight back to Lea Rabin Hostel and its members.

The process of manufacturing this product, specifically designed for the capabilities of the members!

Inspiration: The autism awareness ribbon.
Type of technology: open casting mold.

Metirial: Ceramic.

Nathan Druckman
Industrial Designer Redmond, WA