Business Branding - Design creates opportunities for people to show what they own, what they value, how they do things and how they make sense of their world. Information that is presented in a visually compelling way is more likely to intrigue, inspire, engage and cultivate the brilliance of individuals.
GA Trade Show Banner - Event for Girard Advertising And Multi Media Productions
GA Brochure - Girard Advertising And Multi Media Productions Brochure
GA Video Production Postcard - Direct Mail Postcard for Girard Advertising And Multi Media Productions
DVD Packaging
B. St. Pierre Studio Logo - photography studio logo design.
B. St. Pierre Postcard - Photography Postcard designed to compliment the logo.
TNT Fit Club Business Card - Logo, business card, stationary design.
TNT Fit Club - Bridal Boot Camp event hand out.
TNT Fit Club Direct Mail - Introducing TNT outdoor fitness club to the local area towns.
TNT Fit Club Gear - TNT Fit Club Gear logo and sneaker design.
TNT Fit Club Apparel - Custom sweatshirt design showing a TNT fitness drill.
ASC Logo - Creative Direction for Atlanris Sports Clubs 7 health clubs and corporate headquarters.
Designed business brand, promotional marketing, advertising, copy editing, presentations, web sites and E-mail campaign management
ASC Gift Mailer - Creative Direction for Atlanris Sports Clubs 7 health clubs and corporate headquarters.
Designed business brand, promotional marketing, advertising, copy editing, presentations, web sites and E-mail campaign management
ASC Scratch Ticket - Creative Direction for Atlanris Sports Clubs 7 health clubs and corporate headquarters.
Designed business brand, promotional marketing, advertising, copy editing, presentations, web sites and E-mail campaign management
The Spa at Atlantis Menu - Logo designed to match the Atlantis Sports Club look and feel.
The Spa at Atlantis
The Spa at Atlantis Massage Poster - Member referral reward poster. designed versions for all Spa Atlantis locations.
The Spa at Atlantis Website - Website design retaining the Atlantis look & feel. Highlighting all the Atlantis Spa locations.
The Spa at Atlantis Thank You Card - Spa Thank you card design with matching envelope.
ASC Massage & Golf Posters - Creative Direction for Atlanris Sports Clubs 7 health clubs and corporate headquarters.
Designed business brand, promotional marketing, advertising, copy editing, presentations, web sites and E-mail campaign management
ASC Karate Poster - Creative Direction for Atlanris Sports Clubs 7 health clubs and corporate headquarters.
Designed business brand, promotional marketing, advertising, copy editing, presentations, web sites and E-mail campaign management
ASC Pro Shop - Creative Direction for Atlanris Sports Clubs 7 health clubs and corporate headquarters.
Designed business brand, promotional marketing, advertising, copy editing, presentations, web sites and E-mail campaign management
ASC Website - Creative Direction for Atlanris Sports Clubs 7 health clubs and corporate headquarters.
Designed business brand, promotional marketing, advertising, copy editing, presentations, web sites and E-mail campaign management
BNB Logo - Logo design, web banner, promotions and DVD cover for local band.
BNB Banner - Logo design, web banner, promotions and DVD cover for local band.
BNB Cover - Logo design, web banner, promotions and DVD cover for local band.
Best Not Broken - Logo design, web banner, promotions and DVD cover for local band.
Thimbelina's Quilt Shop Logo - Thimbelina's Quilt Shop logo inspired theme based on the thumbalina character for a quaint beautiful quilt shop displaying the best in quilt materials and accessories.
Thimbelina's Quilt Shop Stationary - Thimbelina's Quilt Shop stationary, business card and envelope.