A Night with Invercote

When Iggesund, Europe's leading manufacturer of high-quality virgin fiber paperboard, wanted to create an elegant, high-profile New York City event to help introduce its Invercote paperboard to the U.S., my co-creative director and I developed an email campaign that included (ghost written) testimonials from some of the world's most recognized creative directors and designers, each extending a personal invitation to attend A Night with Invercote.

We also created a series of beautiful posters to be hung at the event, each conveying a particular Invercote strength.

While Hurricane Sandy deterred some from attending, registrations exceeded expectations and those who did attend had a marvelous evening of champagne, hors d'oeuvres and the chance to view some incredible design projects on display. All of which were, of course, created using Invercote paperboard.

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David MacGregor
Copy/Content/Brand Messaging Portsmouth, NH