Slovo o slovu

“Slovo o slovu” (english: Word on Letter) is an artistic PhD project that explores typography in practice, but also in the wider social and historical context. Letters are juxtaposed to:
+ Anatomy (Animated introduction to, the basic elements and terms of the letter's anatomy)
+ Architecture (juxtaposing architecture to the letterforms of the same era)
+ Fashion (Logos of Vogue and Harpers Bazaar are compared to fashion trends of the era)
+ Development of letters (Visual examination of the Latin alphabet, tracing it from drawings to abstract forms)
+ Character of letters (stylization of a random object - bird and followed with a statement “letters do have character”)
+ Development of fonts (historical development of fonts told through the 3-stage movement of the horse)
+ Painting (Egon Schiele and his signature on the paintings prove that the letters do change over time as life evolves)

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Jelena Drobac
Designer ▲ Student ▲ Teacher Belgrade, Serbia