Nate Smith Studio business package - This young entrepreneur was looking for a fresh and yet clean look for his architectural design studio. I am trying to convince him to let it evolve but he insists that it still hasn't lost it's charm for both he and his customers.
Fishbowl Bar & Lounge Table Tent - I enjoyed putting this together since I got to write some copy. The artsy, retro look really fit this quirky little Bar.
Sisi Logo and Ad - This was fun because I got to see this line through from the start to finish - under the guidance of the owner of course. I designed the logo and much of the line itself, art directed the shoot and got to do the layout.
Historic Preservation Month Poster - I'm very interested in cultural preservation and socio-cultural issues. I was very excited to work with Guam Historic Preservation Office on this project.
Cristobal-Calori Wedding Invite - As a designer, my wedding invite had to be a beautiful design. I found that I, myself, was one of my most challenging clients. But in the end - it came out exactly the way I wanted!
It was very important for Julian's unique identity to come through in his brand. He is very active and vocal in the decolonization and self-determination of the Indigenous Chamoru of Guam. It was important to show his youthful, earthy, energetic presence through this logo which is also his favorite flower.
I was very proud to create this brand for my father's company. The image is a fusion of the Pahong tree (screw pine), in Guam known for it's use in the creation of functional woven cultural items / houses and the Vesuvius Man, representing concepts in architecture.
Maria Cristobal
Graphic Designer Tamuning, Guam