this tabel is totaly designed for exclusive market of design obyect , is composed of metal , tarnsaprent laminated color cristal and some conection system this tabel coast 1, 000 usd in any color shipped to any part of the the world
in case you are intrested to buy this product we can send you more inforamtion abut the design of product an odder description of or offer . please cotact us .regard babak
this tabel is 157 x75x84 cm the metal used for bases is 0.6 mm cated wit watter and the cristal 2 cm laminated colr cristal cated with laser , the conection are composed of metal and rubber rings . for more info please conatct me .
This Tabel has all color you can image and order ,,,Just For 1000 USD schipped to all part of the world . all reight porotected .


Babak Amirebrahimi
Industrial Designer trescantos, Spain