Jalpari: The Desert Mermaid is an 2012 Indian film directed by Nila Madhab Panda. The movie centered on the issue of female foeticide is an adventure film, which is screened at Marche du Cannes film festival. Hyper realistic fetus was created for the movie.
Jalpari: The Desert Mermaid is an 2012 Indian film directed by Nila Madhab Panda. The movie centered on the issue of female foeticide is an adventure film, which is screened at Marche du Cannes film festival. Hyper realistic fetus was created for the movie.
Jalpari: The Desert Mermaid is an 2012 Indian film directed by Nila Madhab Panda. The movie centered on the issue of female foeticide is an adventure film, which is screened at Marche du Cannes film festival. Hyper realistic silicone fetus was created for the movie.
Hyper realistic silicone fetus was created for the movie.
Hyper realistic silicone fetus was created for the movie.
Hyper realistic silicone fetus was created for the movie.
Movie : Jal Pari : The desert mermaid

Jalpari: The Desert Mermaid is an 2012 Indian film directed by Nila Madhab Panda. The movie centered on the issue of female foeticide is an adventure film, which is screened at Marche du Cannes film festival.

Hyper realistic fetus was created for the movie.

Dirty Hands Studio
Prosthetic , FX Special effects makeup Design Studio Ahmedabad, India