Namma Class Ki Dhadkan Std 7 - Illustrated a mast head design for Namma Class ki Dhadkan website for std. 7 children studying in Mallya Aditi International School in Bangalore, India.
Namma Class Ki Dhadkan Std 6 & 7 - Illustrated a a footer design for Namma Class ki Dhadkan website for std. 6 & 7 children studying in Mallya Aditi International School in Bangalore, India.
Aata Paata Horaata Team Character's - Illustrated characters of people who participated in working for the Aata Paata Horaata concept presented in various conferences
A Tree - A sketch of a tree executed in pen and ink.
Watercolor - Playing with watercolor.
Composition - A typographic composition screen-printed by hand in varied color combinations (just one combination displayed).
Art Excel (Children's Book)_2 - Conceptulized and designed a booklet on Art Excel as a part of my Final Year Degree project in Sir. J. J. Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai, India. Photographed children perfoming Yoga and created the illustrations using Photoshop.
Art Excel (Children's Book)_1 - Conceptulized and designed a booklet on Art Excel as a part of my Final Year Degree project in Sir. J. J. Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai, India. Photographed children perfoming Yoga and created the illustrations using Photoshop.
Art Excel (Children's Book)_3 - Conceptulized and designed a booklet on Art Excel as a part of my Final Year Degree project in Sir. J. J. Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai, India. Photographed children perfoming Yoga and created the illustrations using Photoshop.
Art Excel (Children's Book)_4 - Conceptulized and designed a booklet on Art Excel as a part of my Final Year Degree project in Sir. J. J. Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai, India. Photographed children perfoming Yoga and created the illustrations using Photoshop.
Art Excel (Children's Book)_5 - Conceptulized and designed a booklet on Art Excel as a part of my Final Year Degree project in Sir. J. J. Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai, India. Photographed children perfoming Yoga and created the illustrations using Photoshop.
Random Sketches_1 - I love to draw random things that attracts my attention. Most of my work is out of imagination and most of them involve living organisms.
Random Sketches_2 - I love to draw random things that attracts my attention. Most of my work is out of imagination and most of them involve living organisms.
Random Sketches_3 - I love to draw random things that attracts my attention. Most of my work is out of imagination and most of them involve living organisms.
Random Sketches_4 - I love to draw random things that attracts my attention. Most of my work is out of imagination and most of them involve living organisms.
Random Sketches_5 - I love to draw random things that attracts my attention. Most of my work is out of imagination and most of them involve living organisms.
Random Sketches_8 - I love to draw random things that attracts my attention. Most of my work is out of imagination and most of them involve living organisms.
Random Sketches_9 - I love to draw random things that attracts my attention. Most of my work is out of imagination and most of them involve living organisms.
Langar (community food project) - A short comic-strip executed as process-work for a college project for the India Festival 2006, Lille, France.
Greedy Bee - Story-board for a short story on a greedy bee.
Digital Illustration - Digital illustration exploring abstraction using a fixed set of images.
Digital Illustration - Digital illustration exploring abstraction using a fixed set of images.
World as One Nation (Flag-design) - Emblem designed for an Utopian world where everybody is united as one nation. An exercise in Visual Literacy.
Symbol - A symbol developed for a classmate.
Random Sketches_6 - I love to draw random things that attracts my attention. Most of my work is out of imagination and most of them involve living organisms.
Random Sketches_7 - I love to draw random things that attracts my attention. Most of my work is out of imagination and most of them involve living organisms.
Dipti Sonawane
Dipti Sonawane Helsinki, Finland