apekejadah - illustration full of subjective meaning.. using illustrator softwere
langsuyr-topeng gas advertisment - try to combine floral and simple design. using illustrator cs2
langsuyr-asyik tracklist advertisement - Combine floral design+grunge concept. using illustrator cs2
langsuyr-topeng gas - Original artwork by Azman(langsuyr guitarist) Im vectorized it..
chanese bamboo - using illustrator and using mash tools.
flower power - original making by basic illustrator tools
digitalDark Art of flower - red floral design. Illustraror medium.
Harjaddarh-logo - band logo. created by illustrator
human wearing gas mask - huh... nothing interesting
logo-digitalDark Art - using illustrator
my art of myself - tracing of my my pic. illustrator rules..
logo- - using simple illustrator tools like drop shadow :-)
my EX5 - for advertisement langsuyr sticker. ACM 1585 this is my harly devision. using illustrator
langsuyr sticker - fully langsuyr sticker advertisment
dds - tracing original pic with gradient
T-shirt multimedia club advertising - T-shirt multimedia club advertising in 2007. use fully illustrator software.
T-shirt e-business club - T-shirt multimedia club advertising in 2007.
between war and love - T-shirt design war theme for V9 concept
police training design - so simple...
kaz banner - banner for kaz prduction shop in Sri Iskandar
kaz name card - nothing interesting with design
my name card - nothing interesting with design
black tiger movie bunting - 2.5 feet x 5 feet bunting 4 final project. It bunting for a day before launch my movie...
black tiger DVD cover - Dvd cover. hyper action movie with special effect. it's cover using illustrator n photoshop
black tiger DVD back cover - Fully illustrator.. Simple and meaningfull design
menu design - perak football club theme
wedding card - simple coz want to cut the cost :-)
design for kaz costum t-shirt - praying mantis theme
kismis minda - label for bottle of mind raisin kharsani
sos cili - label for chili sauce che nah. a new revolution of local made. heheh
Syed Mohd Yunus...
design, design dan design Ipoh, Malaysia