open this in new tab to see how the weight is increased by rotating the regulator
Home Gym Solution

Exsto is a weightlifting system
designed for the year 2020 which utilizes electro-magnetic technology. Weight is increased and decreased with a simple turn of a touch-sensitive regulator.

For visual feedback and
psychological comfort, traditional dumbbell forms, represented by rings, are created by 3 dimensional projections of light. The size and number of rings increase and
decrease with the amount of weight the user selects.

Exsto is versatile enough to be
extended into a barbell or can
collapse into a dumbbell to create a variety of weightlifting exercises. This futuristic exercise solution will reduce the amount of material and energy used manufacturing
traditional weight lifting equipment and its reduced size makes home storage easier.

Dharmagna Gopani
Product Design Student Ahmedabad, India