Magic of Music as Medicine spread - The book The Science of Music as Medicine has been in production for over one year and is finally about to be released for private publication by The Kulas Foundation. This original, proposed layout treatment helped shape the final book.
Pulp fiction book by Peter Jedick - Mystery novel by award-winning author, Peter Jedick Illustration by Louis P. Grasso
Book Cover Concept for McGraw Hill - Book Cover design for high school Accounting textbook—illustrating the real world experience one encounters through money exchanges and purchases.
McGraw Hill textbook cover design proposal
The Story of ME Baby Memory Book - Sweet, gender-neutral binder houses the whimsical "the Story of ME" baby memory book. Writer & Creative director: Brea Weisman
The Story of ME Baby Memory Book - A gorgeous, whimsical and fresh new look at saving all your baby's memories in one organized place.
Perfect Memory Creations Baby Memory book - A gorgeous, whimsical and fresh new look at saving all your baby's memories in one organized place.
Perfect Memory Creations Baby Memory book - Baby Memory Book,BABY BOOK,Book Design,Design,growth,Illustration,memory book,scrap booking,pastel
Cleveland Where the East Coast Meets the Midwest - Book by author Peter Jedick
book cover proposal for Daniel M. Lewis, ph.d.
Book Cover Designs
Denise Ziganti
Freelance Sr. Designer Cleveland, OH