Balance, 2013. This photo represents balance because it has a sense of stability in the image. I used black and white.
Contrast, 2013. This photo represents contrast because it refers to the white rose and the green leaves in the image. I used brightness and levels.
Unity, 2013. This photo represents unity because each part of the picture is equal in value. I used Black and White
Pattern, 2013. This photo represents pattern because the fence and flowers occur over and over again in the image. I used levels, color, and brightness.
Emphasis, 2013. This picture represents emphasis because the eye is pulled to the sun. I used Exposure, Levels, and Brightness
Movement, 2013. This photo represents movement because the water is running down the stream. I used levels and color.
Artist Choice 1, 2013. This picture represents shape because of the grass and flowers, value because of the black and white, line because of the flower, and Texture because of the flower and grass. I used black and white imagery
Artist Choice 2, 2013. This picture represents Texture because of the flower and long grass, Line because of the long grass, Color because of the flower, and Emphasis because the eye is drawn to the flower. I used exposure, levels, and curves.
Principals of Design

Unity, Balance, Emphasis, Contrast, Movement, Pattern