7 Blackbirds aerial view - Commissioned for a gentleman who is a lifelong fan of the graphic novel " The Crow" By James O'Barr. The poem "Seven Blackbirds" originally a children's nursery rhyme, is featured in the novel and was the inspiration for this piece. Material: Book pages, wire, glue, gold paint, india ink.
7 Blackbirds front - Commissioned for a gentleman who is a lifelong fan of the graphic novel " The Crow" By James O'Barr. The poem "Seven Blackbirds" originally a children's nursery rhyme, is featured in the novel and was the inspiration for this piece. Material: Book pages, wire, glue, gold paint, india ink.
7 Blackbirds aerial view - Commissioned for a gentleman who is a lifelong fan of the graphic novel " The Crow" By James O'Barr. The poem "Seven Blackbirds" originally a children's nursery rhyme, is featured in the novel and was the inspiration for this piece. Material: Book pages, wire, glue, gold paint, india ink.
Altered Pages experiment in context #1 - Just one of my experiments in altered bookmaking.
Altered Pages experiment in context #1 - Just one of my experiments in altered bookmaking.
Japanese Box - My first handmade box. Very fun crafting indeed.
Japanese Box - My first handmade box. Very fun crafting indeed.
Paper Creations
Lauren Starr
Designtothink ™ Providence, RI