MindSpark - Who wants to face what comes with old age; you can keep your body healthy by exercising but if you don’t exercise your brain all that effort is in vain. Mental fitness can prevent memory loss, sluggish thinking, blocks in problem solving and more. Mental fitness is not inevitable if the brain is challenged. The idea behind the logo is to be a representation of “mind” and “spark” words. The idea that the logo in itself is a puzzle and we have to solve puzzles to keep fit.
Business card - Even though this is mostly a web based brand I created the stationary for the few notification that people still like to get in the mail. The letterhead design is also to be used for e-mail notifications. The business cards can be used by the volunteers and the representatives of Mindspark to promote the use of the website.
Minsspark stationary - Even though this is mostly a web based brand I created the stationary for the few notification that people still like to get in the mail. The letterhead design is also to be used for e-mail notifications. The business cards can be used by the volunteers and the representatives of Mindspark to promote the use of the website.
Mindspark Poster - Since this brand is based on the concept of keeping your brain active I thought is was more then appropriate to make the poster interactive. I have takes three directions in the representation of this information as a play on words, where the words are cut off from the bottom or top. All this is meant to draw in the person to read this because even if you read it once next time you may not remember the exact words and there for it still draws attention.
Mindspark poster - In this poster words that are miss spelled.
Mindspark poster - In certain highlighted words the a letter is missing. The colors are all take from the logo, and the words are highlighted in gradient that is a connection to the logo.
Mindspark tabloid - The same concept as the posters is applied but with minimal type for easier readability. The reason that I have billboards is because my demographic is older and their means of transportation is by car.
Mindspark Tabloid application
Mindspark brochure - In conjunction with everything else that this brand represent, the brochure is meant to be a puzzle to be figured out to be able to read all information in it. It is also something that will be remembered for its unique structure. At the end there is a quiz on how forgetful you are then depending on the score the person is directed to visit the website.
Sensory box - This idea came from Neurobics created by Lawrence C. Katz, Ph.D. Sensory box is for promotional use as well as to be available online. Basically one can keep the bottle open next to their bed and wake up to a beautiful aroma to give you a good start to a new day, or be used to help you remember for example taking a whiff when you are trying to remember phone numbers.
Sensory box
Sensory box
Puzzle - The Rubik’s cube and the puzzle is mean to be used as promotional items as well as available product online that can be purchased all proceeds would go to maintaining the website.
a puzzle piece
Puzzle Piece
Bookmark - There are two types of bookmarks here, one is combined with a magnifying glass for those occasions when one might forget their glasses. The other bookmark has incorporation's of useful tips as well as an added sent which make this a brake from routine and a Neurobic exercise. This is a good promotional item because it will be kept by the users for a long time because of its usefulness. There for Mindspark will always be on someones mind.
Totebag - Tote bag is also an item that can be bought off the website these bags carry a message that we all get forgetful and sometimes we need to do something to help us remember. There are also useful facts on these bags like walking outside to distress and that reading is really good for the brain. This item is very appropriate for my demographic and it keeps spreading the message of Mindspark.
Tote bag
Web site www.mindspark.info - The website is meant to be easy to use and navigate, everyday there is a new page added for the facts page the images are interactive. There are specific games which target specific part of the brain to give you the best possible workout. There is a need to sign up only to keep peoples information on their progress and winning streak to compare who is training the hardest. Scientific discoveries in understanding the brain would also be posted. Having fun is the key!
Mindspark set up at OCAD Gradshow 2009