Walkthrough - See Above...
Walkthrough - See Above...
Walkthrough - See Above...
Walkthrough - See Above...
Walkthrough - See Above...
Walkthrough - See Above...
The Sunken Square - Model 1:100 - a sensory space for interaction, recreation and ecclesiastical ceremonies with the iconic use of water.
The Chapel - Model 1:100 - The western walls pivot open to engage the chapel through the central axis to the sunken square
Overview - Model 1:100 - The south side opens to reveal a unique performance space for events with the dramatic backdrop of Truro Cathedral
View of the Main Axis - Model 1:100 - view down the axis from west to east through the chapel where precessions travel to the sunken square
Model Overview - Model 1:100 - an overall view to show the central relationship of the Chapel space in context
Tree Canopy - Model 1:100 - Showing the transition from a darkened tree canopy into the spiritual Chapel space, shadows change throughout the day giving an changing experience
Elevation A,A - Elevation taken from the main East to West axis showing the relationship of the narrative within the space
Polarities Plan
Jon Penn
Spatial Designer Falmouth, United Kingdom