photo kiosk - The photo kiosk was a design collaborative for a company called Photopoint. It was designed to accommodate the need for making photo prints from digital media. The positive attributes include a swiveling monitor, hooks for personal belongings and accomidations for all types of digital media. This kiosk can be used on a counter top or left freestanding and is accessible for people with disabilites.
DDS chair - The DDS Chair was constructed from 6 meters of steel tube from which eight bent and rolled pieces were welded together, with a painted black frame and a hand woven rattan seat. The chair is meant for lounging, sitting and having a relaxed chat, but mainly the chair was designed for fun. The extruded tubular shape allows for storage and the tapered end gives you the option to stuff a pillow in for more comfort.
Invador - This little space invader is actually the product of a package design project. The story behind this toy is that while on a mission in space a race of little “invadors” are pelted by astroids leaving them subject to the vacuum of space. The packaging was vacuum sealed around this product. So it is up to you to save them before it is to late. . .