Photography design - ..just the first basic photographic study that i did with my new nikon d90 DSLR camera.... In the picture: my father
Photography design
..deprived... - Thematic photography... Picture based on social issues. People like these who are deprived of the basic necessities of life... ..their struggle...
..deprived... - Thematic photography... Picture based on social issues. People like these who are deprived of the basic necessities of life... ..their struggle...
..deprived... - Thematic photography... Picture based on social issues. People like these who are deprived of the basic necessities of life... ..their struggle...
..deprived... - Thematic photography... Picture based on social issues. People like these who are deprived of the basic necessities of life... ..their struggle...
..deprived... - Thematic photography... Picture based on social issues. People like these who are deprived of the basic necessities of life... ..their struggle...
..deprived... - ..eyes that speak...
Chaitanya Veer Singh...
Communication Design Student Vadodara, India