Plastic and discarded material provided to build the Educational Kit Maker.
Tools provided by the Hackathon Space.
Hackathon space with team members.
Educational Maker kit proposal made of plastic bottles, taps and foam. Part of the game board displayed as bus, hospitals and recycling center allowing students to map, understand and improve their communities.
Team building the Maker Kit.
Game proposal (board and totems) with hackathon mentor Mr. Charles Esteves and team from Rio de Janeiro. Hackathon happened in São Paulo, 10 December, 2017.
Final proposal - Game board and totems as Educational Maker kit for school children age 11 to 14 engaging them in their communities needs and problems through a game linked to school. As it was developed in an innovation and technology space, the game is linked to an app and site to improve interactions and dinamics of the game. App and site to be developed later. The game will be presented to the plastic company executives to funding and further development.
Hackathon at PlastcoLab

PlastcoLab is a temporary innovation and creativity space in one of the main cities of Brazil, São Paulo.
The hackathon requirement was to design and develop a "educational maker kit" made of plastic discarded material, since the hackathon was funded by Plastic Industries and companies.

Few hours, team of experts and one challenge!
Design-Marcio Dupont
Technology - Samanta Lopes
Education-Felipe Diesel
Engineering - Rita de Cassia
Future Designer - Amanda Kubo

Purpose of the toy:
To place school children age 11-14 years as "social impact agents" optimizing the community conditions related to environment, education and health.
The game allows children to "rediscover" and map the strong and weak points of the community playing with "Challenge" and "Solutions" card.
The game links the school environment , students and professors wit their community.
Designed and developed in a sunny sunday from 10:00 am to 18:pm in one day hackathon related to plastic industry, environment.

Freelance, Full-time
Industrial Designer ...
Innovation Consultancy (Industrial Design + Sustainability + Inclusion) São Paulo, Brazil