1. End-user assesment and interview. User hands with disability condition, not able to grasp or hold objects at home or in the move. To not harm user´s hands and physical condition, it was proposed to make a plaster mold of his hands to have a silicon "hand' to test several design proposals. Research included several visits to her place, interview, documentation and recordings.
User hands silicon model. The hand model allowed designers to test several proposal without harming the end-users physical body. This design project was very specific regarding needs, therefore it was not to be industrialized at first, however, later modifications could be done to support a larger number of end-users and reach a global market. Place of the research: Mexico City. Pro-bono design work realized after my graduation.
Concepts of the first approaches after market research and benchmarking. Mexico like others underdevelop countries have not national assistive technology or products accessible to population. Existing proposals are expensive or imported from countries like Japan and Germany. The idea behind this pro bono was to start a national design and engineering hub for assistive technology and products to be replicated, scale up at other states and country-side of México.
SECOND CONCEPT - Design related to home needs like grasping small objects like fork, spoons, plates, cups. The idea was to have a cushion holder that would allow user to grasp objects without totally closing her hand.
3D Model with 3D Max from AutoCad, showing cushions at user´s hand. The idea was to have a low-cost device, almost DIY proposal due to the needs of the end-user and budget. Physical prototypes and final proposals needed funding from government and manufacturing companies, but due to the low level of complexity of this proposal, a low-cost approach was possible.
FIRST CONCEPT Developed for a user with severe arthritis to hold herself at the public transportation tubes. 3D Max model. The idea was to develop a mechanism that would allow opening and closening of the cylinder with the slighest effort or hand movement almost pneumatic or hydraulic like.
3D from 3DMax. Low cost assistive technology to support mobility and physical safety at public transportation. (Subway, Public transportation).
Design for people with disabilities with Mexican Government

Product developed for a user with "hand arthritis". She was not able to grap transportation- bus-subway tubes and small objects like fork, knife, spoons, cups, plates.
Therefore it was developed two projects:

Hand Holder for public transportation (open-close cilinder activated by hand and fingers movement).

Cushion holder to grab kitchen dinnerware, forks, spoons, small plates, broom.

Project only, not physical prototipes done.

Three stages were necessary to design the assistive technology elements:
1. Market research, benchmarking and personal interview and assesment with end-user.
2. Plaster mold of both hands to later develop a silicon hand model to test several design proposals.
3. Sketchs
4. 3D models at 3D Max (Autocad)

Freelance, Full-time
Industrial Designer ...
Innovation Consultancy (Industrial Design + Sustainability + Inclusion) São Paulo, Brazil