Illustration for Nashville Art Magazine the (rabbit) - Illustration for the (rabbit) essay about the subversive potential and negative consumer culture of pleasure. specifically, nashville is encouraged to "embrace its body and to look." i think that's not a bad idea at all.
T-Shirt Design
Betty Poop - Parody of one of my favorite cartoon characters: Betty Boop. Ewww... gross!
Illustration for Covered Blog - Covered is a blog where folks do interpretations of favorite/intriguing comic book covers. This is my take on Disney's The Wonderful Adventures of Pinocchio. Link: Original cover can be found here:
Bowie is Tired
Quote from Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Juevos Rancheros - An excerpt from my current sketchbook... Yes, it is kind of messed up. Still, it's part of an ongoing process with the goal of not censoring my imagination — boy, does that sound pretentious.
Illustrations and Designs